Task and Activities Management

Managing Task submissions and Community Board Activities with ease.

After submitting a Task or publishing an Activity on the Community Board, users can visit the "My Activities" page to manage their Task submissions and Community Board publications.

Manage Task Submissions

Participating in Tasks is the primary way to earn Points & Reputations on DAO Labs' Social Mining platforms. Correctly managing your Task submissions is crucial to your success.

Your Task submissions can be Pending, Accepted/Approved, Rejected, or Revision required. Understanding these concepts can help you improve your management skills and handle your submissions accordingly.

Admins must approve your submissions to get Reputation and Points to your account. If you have Rejected or Revision status in submissions, you cannot get Reputation and Points.

You can monitor the status of your submissions by clicking the "My Activities" button in the main menu of the navigation bar, and then clicking the "Task Submissions" button.

Your Task submissions can have four statuses, Pending, Accepted/Approved, Rejected, or Revision.

A Pending submission means that admins have not yet validated your submission. You have to wait until admins complete the validation. The validation process can take up to a week, depending on the total number of submissions to the Task and the complexity of the Task.

An Accepted/Approved submission means that admins have validated your submission and associated rewards in Reputation and Points have been assigned.

A Rejected submission means that admins have rejected your submission because it is not eligible for Reputation or Points. Admin often sends you a message explaining why your submission has been rejected. You cannot resubmit a rejected submission.

A Revision submission means that the submission is not eligible for Reputation or Points. Admin often sends you a message explaining why your submission requires Revision. You can edit your submission that needs Revision and re-submit it again for approval.

Remember: Admins always give a chance to re-edit & re-submit to users whose submissions do not meet requirements by requiring Revisions. Please always check the admins' messages to understand why such a submission was not approved, and re-submit the submission with fixes and editions accordingly.

Last updated